Serving The Upstate Of South Carolina


About Us

part of the solution to the dog poop disposal problem

I love dogs!

Having worked as a manager at a dog training and kenneling facility I’m well acquainted with dog poop.

It caused me to wonder from a broader perspective about a bigger dog poop problem.  It does exist—it just tends to be dealt with in a rushed and hushed way. 

So, with curiosity, I started doing searches on Google and YouTube.  As it turns out there are a lot of folks concerned with the dog poop problem: Individuals, municipalities, health agencies, and conservationists.

Dogs don’t tend to live and poop in vast wild places.  They live in close proximity to us. Us “two leggers” typically use flushing toilets. But our “four leggers” don’t. 

According to an EPA study,  the “typical” dog poops 274 pounds yearly.

So, The Potty Zone is about a great solution to part of the dog poop problem.

It’s great because it is both easier for dog owners and better for the environment.

A smiling man with his blonde colored dog